The story of Dame Whina Cooper, the beloved Māori matriarch who worked tirelessly to improve the rights of her people, especially women. Flawed yet resilient, Whina tells the story of a woman formed by tradition, compelled by innovation, and guided by an instinct for equality and justice whose legacy as the Te Whaea o te Motu (Mother of the Nation) was an inspiration to an entire country.
Directors: Paula Whetu Jones (Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Whakatohea, Ngati Porou), James Napier Robertson
Writers: James Lucas, Paula Whetu Jones (Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Whakatohea, Ngati Porou), James Napier Robertson
Producers: Matthew Metcalfe, Tainui Stephens (Te Rarawa)
Language: Te Reo Maori | English | English subtitles
New Zealand | 2021 | 115 mins
The Politics of Toheroa Soup
Director: Tiana Trego-Hall (Te Rarawa)
New Zealand | 2021 | 9 mins | English | Maori
Toheroa was once New Zealand’s favourite shellfish, with a global reputation delivered to the mouths of foreigners through canned meat and soups. In the 1900s extensive over-harvesting led to a collapse in population and near extinction resulting in a total ban in 1982. For Māori, the loss of toheroa - an important food source for hapū and iwi has had a profound impact.
NOTE: This film is available in the BIRRARANGGA Film Festival 3-pass and 5-pass ticket packages.
Saturday 25 March 2pm
CLASSIC Elsternwick
Unclassified - Restricted to persons 15 and over unless accompanied by an adult
Full $22 | Concession $17 | Blak Tix $13 | 3 Pass $45 | 5 Pass $75